Jailbreaking ipad ?

10 Dec 2012
Should I jailbreak my ipad ? I only want to use it for themes and customisation, I don't want to use it to get free apps, what permant risks are added when you jailbreak a device ? Can anything happen that can't be fixed ?
I have mine jailbroken for the theming and a few tweaks like sb settings and sprintomize. I like to get rid of the bottom dock on mine. Just waiting for Gridlock to be updated (it might be now not sure) so i can move the icons to wherever i want on the screens. I like to remove the top and bottom bars on the lockscreen also which you can do via springtomize.

There are no risks to jailbreaking and you can always take it back to normal firmware if your not happy with it.

I would say go for it but the choice is yours really.

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