james martin knifes vs procook knifes which is better

29 Dec 2012
I'm looking for a mid range knife, I not wanting anything major like global,
I came across these 2 makes on amazon, procook had more info about the knifes then the james martin,
both are about the same price but the james martin knifes come with a life time guarantee so I was wondering for the price which is better,

I have a few question about the james martin,
is the james martin knife made from one piece of metal ?
how sharp are they ?
are they stone ground ?r
If you end up going for the James Martin (Stellar) ones then have a look in TK Max, the one near me has them heavily reduced at the moment.
They are cheap in Homesense as well. Was looking at them yesterday and was going to buy the chef knife, but went for a Swiss made one instead.
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