Jamie Oliver being sued for 'meat sludge'

13 Feb 2003
Saw the news this morning that a former Director of Environmental Health and Safety at Beef Products Inc is suing Jamie Oliver, a Blogger, ABC News and its Reporters over them branding their products 'Pink Slime'.


Is this just American suing culture gone mad?
Yes the brand has been tarnished, but surely it just reflects pubic opinion that people don't want their children eating heavily processed beef that also uses chemicals in its creation.

They've been shown up for what they are, surely there option is to adapt or die. It doesn't help that from what I've seen of such companies that do mechanical meat reclaim before that its all very secretive, just look at Louie Theroux's investigation for example.

McDonalds was on the backlash for using unhealthy products in their food and they changed to use healthy and fair products and then went on a marketing offensive to do so. Surely this company needs to change its business practise if people aren't buying their food. The article though doesn't mention why this guy doesn't work there anymore, so perhaps there is far more to it.
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