Jason Mraz - Waiting for my Rocket to come



9 Nov 2004
ashamed though i, possibly, should be; i can't stop listening to Jason Mraz. he's got such an amazing voice, and his songs are hooky without being annoying! for me, he's what James Blunt, and other drones like that should be. is anyone else loving/hating Jason Mraz?
I'm a big fan, was fully intending to get tickets to see him in manc tonight, but forgot :mad: (I was supposed to pick up the tickets last week when I went for my exam, but got distracted somehow :p )
listened to some off his stuff before, pretty decent catchy stuff, agree with your comment bout james blunt an other drones
j00ni said:
I'm a big fan, was fully intending to get tickets to see him in manc tonight, but forgot :mad: (I was supposed to pick up the tickets last week when I went for my exam, but got distracted somehow :p )

silly silly boy. i'd love to go and see him. weird coincidence that i only started listening to him again recently, and he's touring! :o
I keep getting him confused with Tzant.

...Which means I'm now singing Sounds Of The Wickedness in my head...


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