Java Form to PostgreSql triggering firewall

28 Sep 2008
Possibly a bit too advanced for here, but has anyone any experience of HTML/JAVA forms that submit to a database (in this case PostgreSQL)? We're getting a lot of triggers on the WAF with OWASP policies applied. There's been some tuning, but still, simple free form text boxes get blocked, things like " UPDATE number to 07888554443"

It's clearly seeing it as SQLi but I mean come on, surely the WAF isn't that stupid?
Hi guys, thanks for responses. This is all Azure based, a static web front end webapp which fires off Java to client side check and submit to the PostgreSql dB in Azure. This is behind a private endpoint, and a web application firewall.

The example above:

07555555555 update in your records please

Will trigger the WAF policy and stop the field being updated.
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