Java - forms[0].buttons

18 May 2006
I'm having a quirk on one clients computer in all browsers - that when they submit information and click "save changes" sometimes it will save the data and other times it wont. I've never seen this problem or issue with any other client but was wondering if it's worth looking into java compatibility further?

I was using forms[0].buttons to determine existence of something. This uses the shortcut accessor method, whereas longhand you use forms[0].elements['buttons']

shortcut accessor is not defined as W3C method. What I'm wondering is if anyone else on the web has noticed a depracation of this method, as no other clients have complained about this code not working
Sorry for lazy title.

I don't really have any to hand but its easy to make:

create form with <input name="buttons"> and check for existence of form with if (document.forms[0].buttons) alert('yes')
yup like I say it's always worked just this 1 case out of about 1000 accounts.. can't pinpoint it to anything else other than the possibility of this and the clients setup with a local error
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