The following code is something I found to display data in a treeview style control, please could someone tell me how i can adjust it so that when when an item is added the tree node isnt already expanded, by default on creation all tree paths are expanded. Basically i need to call the ParentFold function but i have no idea what the param is as it is only used once and is passed as 'this' on the onclick event. This code is all in a .js.
The following code is something I found to display data in a treeview style control, please could someone tell me how i can adjust it so that when when an item is added the tree node isnt already expanded, by default on creation all tree paths are expanded. Basically i need to call the ParentFold function but i have no idea what the param is as it is only used once and is passed as 'this' on the onclick event. This code is all in a .js.
var FoldOut = new String("FoldOut.gif");
var FoldIn = new String("FoldIn.gif");
var StaticImage = new String("ListItem.gif");
var ImageFolder = new String("Images");
var LeftIndent = 20;
var TreeStarted = false;
var TreeParentName = new String();
var TreeNames = new Array();
var tmpHTML = new String();
var TreeHTML = new String();
var HasAbsoluteParent = false;
function NewTree(ParentItem)
if(!ParentItem || ParentItem == ""){
ParentItem = "NoParent";
if(TreeStarted == true){
alert("You are still building a tree, please end the tree before starting another one");
return false;
if(ParentItem != "NoParent"){
if(CheckTreeNames(ParentItem) == false){
alert("The Parent you are trying to add this tree to does not exist, please make sure you have created it and then put the code AFTER the parent tree code");
return false;
TreeParentName = ParentItem;
TreeStarted = true;
if(TreeParentName != ""){
tmpHTML = "<blockquote style = \"MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; MARGIN-LEFT:" + LeftIndent + "px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px;\">"
function AddStandardItem(Name,ItemData,StaticImg,ItemCursor,Event)
var IsParent = false;
if(ItemCursor == "" || !ItemCursor){
ItemCursor = "default";
if(Event != ""){
Event = "onclick = \"" + Event + "\"";
if(!ItemData || ItemData == ""){
alert("You must enter in some data for the item!");
return false;
if(StaticImg == "" || !StaticImg){
StaticImg = ImageFolder + "/" + StaticImage;
StaticImg = ImageFolder + "/" + StaticImg;
if(!Name || Name == ""){
IsParent = false;
if(CheckTreeNames(Name) == true){
alert("A tree item with this name already exists, please rename it");
return false;
IsParent = true;
if(IsParent == true){
tmpHTML += "<span id = \"" + Name + "\" onclick = \"ParentFold(this)\" class = \"ParentNode\" style =\"cursor: " + ItemCursor + ";\"><img alt = \"Parent Node\" src=\"" + ImageFolder + "/" + FoldOut + "\" abs = \"middle\"> " + ItemData + "</span><br />";
tmpHTML += "%" + Name + "%";
tmpHTML += "<span class = \"ChildNode\" " + Event + " style =\"cursor: " + ItemCursor + ";\"><img alt = \"Child Node\" src=\"" + StaticImg + "\" abs = \"middle\"> " + ItemData + "</span><br />";
function EndTree()
var rExpression;
var rConstruct;
if(TreeStarted != true){
alert("you have not started a tree yet, please start one before trying to finish one");
return false;
if(TreeParentName != ""){
tmpHTML += "</blockquote>";
//tmpHTML += "</ul>";
if(TreeParentName != ""){
rConstruct = "%" + TreeParentName + "%";
rExpression = rConstruct;
TreeHTML = TreeHTML.replace(rExpression, tmpHTML);
TreeHTML += tmpHTML;
TreeStarted = false;
TreeParentName = "";
tmpHTML = "";
function GenerateTreeCode(Owner){
if(TreeHTML != ""){
if(!Owner || Owner == ""){
document.getElementById(Owner).innerHTML = TreeHTML;
TreeHTML = "";
function CheckTreeNames(TreeName)
var FoundName = false;
if(TreeNames.length > 0){
for(var i = 0; i<TreeNames.length;i++)
if(TreeName == TreeNames[i])
FoundName = true;
return FoundName;
function AddTreeName(TreeName)
if(TreeNames.length == 0)
TreeNames[0] = TreeName;
TreeNames[parseInt(TreeNames.length)] = TreeName;
function ParentFold(Item)
var ChildItem = new String();
var TotalLoop = 0;
ChildItem = Item.nextSibling;
if(ChildItem.tagName != "BLOCKQUOTE"){
ChildItem = ChildItem.nextSibling;
if(TotalLoop > 5){
}while(ChildItem.tagName != "BLOCKQUOTE");
if(ChildItem.tagName == "BLOCKQUOTE"){
if(ChildItem.style.display == "none"){
ChildItem.style.display = "";
Item.getElementsByTagName("IMG").item(0).src = "Images/FoldOut.gif";
ChildItem.style.display = "none";
Item.getElementsByTagName("IMG").item(0).src = "Images/FoldIn.gif";