At the moment, when u click the menu item, it expands, displaying a div. Clicking again, closes it. As expected. But when I click a link inside the opened div, it closes again.
Heres my code (its actually my mates code that im trying to ejust)
Im not actually sure what the maxwell is and why its needed. There must be a better version around.
Basically like the "Posting Rules" at the bottom of these forums.
Heres my code (its actually my mates code that im trying to ejust)
Im not actually sure what the maxwell is and why its needed. There must be a better version around.
Basically like the "Posting Rules" at the bottom of these forums.
<script language="javascript">
var state = 'none';
function showhide(layer_ref)
if (state == 'inline')
state = 'none';
state = 'inline';
if (document.all)
eval( "document.all." + layer_ref + ".style.display = state");
if (document.layers)
document.layers[layer_ref].display = state;
if (document.getElementById && !document.all)
maxwell_smart = document.getElementById(layer_ref); = state;
<h1><a href="javascript:showhide(\'WebsiteSettings\');">Website Settings</a></h1>
<div id="WebsiteSettings" style="display:none">
<dd><a href="?p=sitesettings">Site Settings</a></dd>
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