JavaScript Validation Help

30 Nov 2005
Anyone know why this won't work.

Seems all valid to me.

Oh and yes I know it's old school JavaScript, it's a legacy form.

var chks = document.getElementsByName('previous');
var checkCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < chks.length; i++)
if (chks[i].checked)
if (checkCount < 1)
alert("MESSAGE 1 GOES HERE.");
return false;
if(contactform.refnumber.value.length==0||contactform.refnumber.value==" "){ alert("MESSAGE 2 GOES HERE"); contactform.refnumber.focus(); return false;}
Ok just had a look through the code, it's a mess btw, and it would seem there was two separate functions of the same name, being run when the onsubmit="return etc etc" was run.

So I removed one of them and the above now works.

But really need to get that piece of validation back in, which is this:

if (!document.contactform.CODEnumber.disabled) { 

var re1letter4digit=/(?:[a-zA-Z])\d{4}/ //regular expression defining a 5 digit number
if ( { //if match failed
alert("Please enter a valid CODE number.");
return (false);


I've tried inserting the above code into the original function (which the one in my first post is in) but it won't run the above.
The script as a whole runs, but it doesn't alert if the user doesn't enter a number that the regex expression states is required.

It's so confusing.

It's for a field box that isn't enabled as default, the field box only becomes available to enter information when a user checks a tickbox.
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