
16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK
I'd rather expect you wouldn't get this working and operating in a city but at times I'm beginning to think a lot of the public or even other photographers can just be a bunch of *****.

I can't be too specific about this but I was recently flamed/verbally abused by another photographer for charging minimal amounts to cover both my time and expenses-when in his opinion I shouldn't be charging for monetary gain?

He further stated I shouldn't go round telling potential clients I'm "publicised" in his words and that my behaviour is quite possibly rubbing some other people /local photographers who are supposed to be my friends, up the wrong way?

I'm not publicised but have won five or more photography/art competitions - unless he's refering to the one which was mentioned and run by the Mirror?

He has since been attacked by people in his catchment area/customer base for hypocrisy. Apparently he was telling me I should be giving my images away whilst he was selling his (from his website) ?

I'm half expecting things to get uncomfortable for me when things kick back up. But I mean WTF? I'm now left thinking everybody is "public enemy number one" including some of the other photographers who are supposed to be the people I can trust, I'm apparently rubbing up the wrong way?

I don't suppose anybody else has come across this in their line of work?
They sound like the type of people who scoff at someone for using a certain aperture value that differs from their own. Imagine them filing their opinions up their butthole and laugh for a moment before carrying on business as usual.
They sound like the type of people who scoff at someone for using a certain aperture value that differs from their own. Imagine them filing their opinions up their butthole and laugh for a moment before carrying on business as usual.

I remember getting scolded for ignoring the rule of thirds when a client specifically requested it. I bit my tongue on that occasion. :D
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