Jean Michel Jarre - Teo & Tea.

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Anyone heard it yet?

Considering its ment to be Jarre and has been years in the making, it sounds nothing like Jarre, and sounds more like some generic dance music. :(.

Shame really.
I had high hopes for his new album, and after 'Geometry Of Love', arguably his best album, i was hoping he would have built on it. But obviously not. :(
Being a long time Jarre (and general electronic music) fan, I'm expecting this CD with DVD anytime soon :D got a good price £9.24 ;) I am expecting a commercial dance approach on this album since hearing the single :rolleyes:

I haven't got Geometry Of Love - seems quite expensive on import...the only real gap in my Jarre album collection.

The video on You Tube of the single does have lots of elements by other artists.

Oh and I actually like Zoolook :eek: :D
Im not overly keen on Zoolook.
Cronologie, Equinoxe, Aero & Geometry Of Live are amongst his best and are essential listening for everyone imo.
Well I like Zoolook due to the use of human language sampling which makes up most of music on that album...I thought it was interesting...sure its not his best album to many fans ears.

Equinoxe, Magnetic Fields, Chornologie & Oxygene 7-13 are my favourites. Also Metamorphoses with its traditional lyrical song approach is worth a listen.

I don't think he's done a really bad album yet IMO although he does overdo the live releases! :rolleyes: the best live album was 'The Concerts In China'

Looks like I need to get Geometry Of Love ;)
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