Jefferson Airplane - Again!

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
I made a thread on Jefferson a while ago but it appears to have been pruned.

I discovered Jefferson Airplane about a year ago and really got into their stuff. One of the main reasons was that in a lot of cases I prefered their live material to the recorded stuff, not that the studio material wasn't good. I found their live recordings absolute astounding. A lot of people don't agree with me but there's something about this LSD inspired rock that really blows my mind. Those amazing riffs, the subtle yet complex bassline mixed with the vocals of Grace Slick are mindblowing. I listen to the songs time and time again and every time I discover a new riff, a new note or something new. It's like the songs change depending on what mood I'm in which is really 'out there'.

I'm not on acid, honest!

I'm currently listening to 'High Flyin Bird' . I love the way the intense vocals hit a peak then blend into the soft rhythm of the song. Wow. I also love the popular favourites such as 'White Rabbit' and 'Somebody to Love'. The live version of 'Have You Seen the Saucers' is mindblowing, currently standing at one of my favourite live recordings.

Do we have any other Airplane fans among us? What are your favourite songs/albums? Are there any hidden gems out there I should keep an eye out for?

Wow :cool:
Tough one, depends entirely on my mood to be honest. I'm going to put on Crown of Creation next, it should make a good finish to the night. Its quite chilled out compared to the previous 'After Bathing at Baxters'.
I don't have one particular favourit as it really does depend on my mood but you cant go wrong with 'The Best of'. :)
I've heard a few of their songs and really liked them, been meaning to check them out for a while now.

What would you recommend as a good taster?
wooden ships is a great song, a good album to get is the two cd best of. covers jefferson airplane, jefferson starship and starship, u can ignore the second cd because its the latter two but the first cd is great stuff!
Bah, stop lying. You just like them because they have airplane in the title! Admit it!
First rule of thumb for the uninitiated -

Don't get Jefferson Starship and Starship mixed up with Jefferson Airplane because they are completely different. The former two should have been drowned at birth.
Phnom_Penh said:
Haven't listened to them for a while. What'd you reacons their best album?

Bless its pointed little head tbh. I've been into them since i was about 15 and i've only come acroos 1 copy of this record on LP (which is odd as there were millions sold), i promptly bought it and gave it to my stepdad as a gift :), i owe him a LOT of good music.
It's the original studio album, i think 'somebody to love' was a live recording but other than that as far as i can remember it's multitracked in the studio.
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