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Jensen and Nvidia does it again, wins best CEO and workplace award

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6 Feb 2019
The results are in and as everyone expected:

* Nvidia was the best performing large cap stock with 172% growth in share prices in 2023

* Jensen has won the best CEO award with 98% of voters saying he is doing a fantastic job

* Nvidia has won the employee satisfaction award scoring 4.5 out of 5

* Nvidia has won the employee satisfaction award scoring 4.5 out of 5
Only because he executes the unhappy ones...

As much as people dislike nvidia/Jenson, you got to admit, he certainly knows how to do his job. The employees will definetly be happy given their shares have basically provided them early retirement/made them rich too.

I always see and hear of nvidia being a great place to work at, supposedly Jenson is very open and not the usual type of CEO:

And then we see articles like this: https://www.techspot.com/news/101218-nvidia-success-making-now-wealthy-employees-complacent.html - no competition, no actual drive to do better (they already have enough monies, more won't make them any happier), etc. Give it few years and they could end up like Intel. Time will tell.

It's possible but generally those ones who are coasting by will get caught onto and more than likely get fired. For these bigger companies, you generally have performance reviews/moderation cycles every 6 months so if people are doing little to nothing, they will get put on things like performance improvement plans i.e. you have got x amount of time to improve/meet goals/targets or else you're fired.

Jensen himself doesn't scream like the kind of person who will just be the kind to think "that'll do, time to go and spend my money" and take a backseat:

I don't wake up proud and confident. I wake up worried and concerned
think when you build a company from the ground up, and you've experienced real adversity, and you really experienced nearly going out of business several times, that feeling stays with you,
Huang has previously spoken about how much more difficult running Nvidia has proven compared to how he envisioned it, admitting that he wouldn't become the CEO again if he could do things over. But it seems there are perks to the job – and not just the money.

"I like going home and telling my wife I saved the company today," Huang said during the DealBook summit. "Maybe it wasn't true, but I'd like to think so."

The concern I would have right now is that how do other companies stand a chance to compete with a company that are well ahead of the game and from what we can tell appear to even be holding back somewhat so if there was any sign of a threat to losing significant marketshare or/and caught of guard, nvidia probably have got backup options to deal with such situations. Ultimately it feels like there is going to have to be some kind of a tech company merger in the world to dethrone nvidia.
The concern I would have right now is that how do other companies stand a chance to compete with a company that are well ahead of the game and from what we can tell appear to even be holding back somewhat so if there was any sign of a threat to losing significant marketshare or/and caught of guard, nvidia probably have got backup options to deal with such situations. Ultimately it feels like there is going to have to be some kind of a tech company merger in the world to dethrone nvidia.
That was exactly how it looked on the CPU market with Intel a while ago - they became a de facto monopoly, became complacent, holding back tech with only few % higher speeds each generation and people thought nobody will ever catch up to them. And here we are today. It takes only few years of being lazy before competition zooms past you out of a sudden and I am sure J.H. knows that very well too. He will not be CEO forever, eventually will get replaced and next one might as well mess it all up quickly. Plus you say senior staff can be fired - sure, but if it's widespread (as articles suggest) you would be left with just young inexperienced employees and that could as well kill the company. Senior people with real skill and will to work are really uncommon these days.

That aside, as per NVIDIA's internal notes to employees that were also leaked online a few times - NVIDIA is now primarily an AI company, with GPUs being developed just by the way. I suspect we might not see any big improvements, that people hope for, in graphics department in the future anymore, unless it's all AI-related. I would expect 5k series to be still a nice improvement in speed etc. just because it's been designed already before the big AI boom, but the series after that is a big question mark now.
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The results are in and as everyone expected:

* Nvidia was the best performing large cap stock with 172% growth in share prices in 2023

* Jensen has won the best CEO award with 98% of voters saying he is doing a fantastic job

* Nvidia has won the employee satisfaction award scoring 4.5 out of 5

4. Did they also win the consumers-love-to-buy-our-stuff-at-any-price satisfaction awards?

As the other metrics are of far less interest to me.

Still it is great to hear that Nvidia's employees love the place, it's just their AIB partners and consumers who might not. Although the former couldn't possibly comment, and the later include more than enough who'd bend over backwards to buy their stuff regardlessly.
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I miss the days when graphics card release cycles were shorter, plenty of interesting discussion and speculation. Now we have threads about articles like this, upscaling, price talk and not a whole lot else.

Oh well, back to more gaming!
I miss the days when graphics card release cycles were shorter, plenty of interesting discussion and speculation. Now we have threads about articles like this, upscaling, price talk and not a whole lot else.

Oh well, back to more gaming!

You don't buy JUST a gpu these days, you buy into a religion with purchase of said gpu. Seemingly anyway.
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