Jesus based rage (see also, stupid Americans)

thebrasso said:
Surely if she was a christian and believed in God and Jesus, she would know that we are all God's children so it is wrong (there is no need even) to say other people are evil because they believe something different?

No, the behaviour is classified as unholy in the bible.

She's like many so called religious people, she thinks because she goes to church and prays it makes her a better person than others. If anything she is ungodly because she is the one being so hostile. People like her tell themselves they are good people but in reality they are only concerned with themselves and their own little world.

That's my view anyway. More love and less hate is needed in this world.

Do you want her to follow the bible or not? Her only mistake is not to "hate the sin, love the sinner"
Phoenix211 said:
it doesnt look real to me for some reason. I duno, some of the cameras and how it just seems at some points shes acting her head off. Might be wrong tho.

She IS acting, because the cameras are there but its all sincere - the attitudes are sincere, the way she is expressing them is hammed up thanks to the cameras i would say
p4radox said:
If you mean the behaviour of this other person she's talking about, then even if the Bible classifies it as unholy, it does not give her the right to judge other people and distance herself from them.

Absolute Psycho (that woman, not you;))

No, the behaviour has already been judged by God... she must act in accordance with this to remain sinless
FirebarUK said:
It may be shoved down your throat but it doesn't explain mental problems. Saying that she went psycho due to her being a Christian is just plain stupid. You can't use Religion as a scape goat for such behaviour, but when paired together its easy for it to appear as a cover.

I didn't realise that you were qualified to diagnose mental illness, or that it could be diagnosed from 5 minutes of film
FirebarUK said:
How did you jump to that conclusion? Does she represent Muslims all over the world?

I think what MrPoole was suggesting was that there are clear examples of religious extremism whereby people have no mental illness, and that this may be the case with the woman in the clip
FirebarUK said:
Yes I know, but he was taking what I said out of context. I'm talking about this lady not everyone in the entire world.

Its quite possible either way to be honest. There are cameras on her, and if she thinks that the world has seen her being all "darksided" on The TeeVee with this family who worship the stars, then she might be hamming things up to show just how gosh-darn Christian she is to compensate...

But what can we say, shes a poorly educated bible-belt christian who is hamming for the cameras. Then again, she cant have objected too much because she stayed with the family, and took the money afterwards. Blaming her daughter was cowardly
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