Jet engine cooling!

Should try a Delta 120mm x 76mm, it's a twin 120mm tripple blade thing that does 220cfm

I got a P180 gas turbine on my BAE Hawk, 180 + pounds of thrust, i'm sure if you stuck the pc in front it'll coo lit down nicely. When flying her the intake ice's up a wee bit
Drazic said:
Should try a Delta 120mm x 76mm, it's a twin 120mm tripple blade thing that does 220cfm

i have one of those things, its a sight and sound to behold, so much pressure, cfm and a realy cool hum. :)

Though that jet looks impressive.
surely if you stick deltas on a ninja you'll open up some sort of black hole or something and cause global catastrophy ;)
benjo said:
Hmm, what if you were to stick two deltas together blowing towards each other? Explosion D:
Gashman said:
surely if you stick deltas on a ninja you'll open up some sort of black hole or something and cause global catastrophy ;)

Maybe BBC's Horizon can try 4 of them in a Scythe Ninja and see if it'll rip a hole in the Space-Time Continuum :P
Hmmm, those be not jets! they're just uber-fans... and has anyone considered the noise... 'like picking up a leafblower' the page said, ill bet it's almost as loud too!

still... CFM will always = good :)
You lot ever wandered why servers sit in something called a server room?

The 120mm x 76mm Delta has two that both suck in, same direction

I say stick a delta on the HSF and go for it. i stuck a Delta 190cfm on my XP-120 with 2 old fans as shrouds and my temp droped loads, take your pc out side and at 3am in winter whats as vapo forms on the blades hehehe and you can get 30mhz more easy
Gashman said:
surely if you stick deltas on a ninja you'll open up some sort of black hole or something and cause global catastrophy ;)

It may cool too hard and trigger the next ice age
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