Jewellers - stone suggestions please

25 Sep 2006
Afternoon All,

My OH is looking to have a piece of costume jewellery commissioned but has struggled for years to find stones that match on the outer edge of the pendant below.

She's not fussed as to whether the stone is precious, naturally occurring or synthetic but just that it matches.

Zircon is too light a blue and Emerald is too dark a green. Presumably they are coloured class?

Unfortunately the original can't be worn as she has another which due to being cheap costume jewelry the pendant discoloured quickly.

Suggestions welcome :)




Closest I can think of would probably be a topaz, they tend to range from light blue to a more teal shade. Might not match perfectly though.

Edit - Maybe alexandrite too actually, though I think that tends to change colour in light.
Looks like a dark aquamarine to me. Though I'd imagine getting anything made with precious stones would cost a few pounds...
Looks like a dark aquamarine to me. Though I'd imagine getting anything made with precious stones would cost a few pounds...
I think the rules with beryl (emerald and aquamarine) is similar as with corundum (ruby, sapphire) as in one variety goes by a specific name (emerald and ruby) while all other colours go by the other one (aquamarine, sapphire). In the case of beryl emerald is vastly more expensive than the other shades too.
Anyway, if you want to match that colour I think one of the synthetic CZ might get you that shade. Plus beryl I don't think would have that sparkle / fire.
A quick google found a CZ colour chart (search term "colours of cubic zirconia"):

But even armed with that, the background / mounting will make a big difference.
The mounting in the OP doesn't seem to let light in from behind which implies that pendant has foil backed glass.
As for how to get this made I have little idea, sorry. My interest is more in the mineralogy of stones.
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