Job changing hours

18 Nov 2021
TL;DR version: started a job, hours 9-5, now being asked to change to shifts - not happy.

Longer version: OK, so about four months ago I started a job doing remote support, the business advertised that the job was a 9-5 model, got the job and have been working away, but last month a new 'higher-up' started and has started making his mark on the company as all new higher up managers love to do, more than they love their own children...

So, the company is officially going to be moving to a 7 am to 7 pm model to get more customers on board who work these crazy crappy hours. So the existing staff in the company have to make changes to cover. So instead of everyone doing 9-5 as they always have done, there will be three overlapping shifts on a rota system, all still 8 hours: a 7-3, a 9-5 and 11-7. Staff are going to be told to work each shift in rotation over a three week period.

Much discussion is going on about this at work, and nobody is happy about this new change. They don't mind the 7-3 change, this is especially popular with those who have kids and you can see why - one parent can do the school drop off and then the other who works in our company will be free to do the school pick up as they finish at 3, then have the rest of the day to spend as family time with the kids together with their partner. But nobody wants to do 11-7... essentially you'll end up waking up at your normal time, doing nothing for a couple of hours then working through until the evening and your whole day is gone.

Can't say for sure what everyone else's contracts say - but mine very definitively says 9-5, and I'm not happy with that. However, I can imagine that flat out refusing to do the late finish shifts will cause bad feeling with colleagues who have to do those shifts instead and managers who can't bend me to their will.

I've always found the only real resolution in such a situation is to resign and get a new job, but just floating this thread to see if there's anything haven't considered. If I'd been in post for a few years I'd be more inclined to make waves and assert my rights, but due to the job being so new, I'd far rather quit and move on than have colleagues with longer service than me think that I'm a troublemaker who won't all pull together and make sacrifices as everyone on the team is going to be doing.

Any thoughts and advice is appreciated...
You're just a bunch of a-holes. I've been lurking here for a while and decided to join in as had an issue arise today that needed addressing, and then I get all this grief that I'm supposedly not genuine. I know these boards can be incredibly cliquey towards non-established members, but wasn't expecting so much hostility...
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