Job fairs

22 Aug 2008
Been looking to attend a job fair but there aren't any in areas close by for the next few months!

I was thinking of going to one up in Sheffield tomorrow. Is there any point going to ones so far away? do they only offer jobs in that area?
Go. Have a blast. Take a stack of your CVs for the ride. Like conventions and expos, these fairs tend to have a mix of local, national and global employers. Quite a few stalls cycle from one uni to the next too, so you may end up meeting the same people more than once.
Definitely worth going. It'll help a great deal if/when you apply to these companies as you'll be able to mention you spoke to XYZ and this reaffirmed your interest in ABC, which led to DEF and so on...
might as well, there will no doubt be national/international companies there... granted the people actually at the job fair might well be from regional offices... say some Big 4 firm's office in Sheffield, Leeds or wherever but they can still give you advice, chat to you etc..

other firms might simply recruit nationally for grads etc.. and expect them to move

have you considered going to events related to the area you're interested in - tis a very easy and effective way to meet people in specific industries, make contacts at those events and you can then pass on your CV to people who can give it directly to hiring managers(bypassing HR) or who are hiring managers themselves
Thanks guys, I went to the Sheffield one 2 days ago, wasn't really any jobs for my area but it was interesting. The ones in coming months are just way too far to even think about attending.

@dowie I've just signed up to, seems like a great alternative. Theres a meet up in birmingham on the 7th that I'll probably go to :)
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