Job interview tomorrow afternoon

6 Sep 2011
I've just rechecked the email an noticed the person interviewing me is a bitch from school that I didn't get on with.

Just searched on LinkedIn to confirm its her and it is. Now... I know it's 10 years she may have had a personality transplant... But I really don't fancy working under her.

Looks like the job search continues.
I'll go to the interview.... But she was very homophobic towards me and gave me a lot of crap at the time. It's not someone I want to work closely with.

Well fair enough that's probably a bit further than 'is a bitch'.

Still, people change once they leave school and especially over 10 years, virtually everyone I used to know that was a knob is now a normal person. Keep an open mind and all that.
Go into the interview, loosen your tie and then say "whew, is it me, or did it just get 100% more dynamic in this room?!"

That should win her over.
Schools tend to be full of children and Jimmy Saville. It's likely she is not a child anymore...or Jimmy Saville. Go interview, she may start with an apology and surprise you.
I'll go to the interview.... But she was very homophobic towards me and gave me a lot of crap at the time. It's not someone I want to work closely with.

If you fail to get the job, phone her boss and ask them if the reason why didn't get the job is because they thought it OK to employ a homophobic bully in their HR dept?
She may well be sitting posting on mumsnet saying "OMG there is a bloke coming for an interview and I was horrible to him at school because I was young and stupid and thought it would be clever to say horrible stuff when I was trying to gain acceptance from the crowd!" and they'll all be saying "Hopefully he will recognise you've moved on now and give him the job and show you've changed by being the most supportive workmate he has ever known"

Good luck.
Last time I went to a school reunion I was pleasantly surprised at how the people who were complete ****s back then had turned into decent people.

I was probably a **** back at school thinking about it.....
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