Job interview tomorrow

25 Jul 2010
Got an interview tomorrow, having worked for myself for the last 6 years I feel as if I can't grow the company anymore. Work comes in splurges sometimes really busy then sometimes really slow.

A friend has offered me an interview for a job in telesales, salary is minimum 35k a year with a 40 minute commute.

I have looked at some threads on here and changed my CV, some really useful info shared so thanks for that.

Having worked for myself for 6 years and now going for an interview I am a little nervous. I know preparation is key but how have you kept calm and made yourself standout In an interview ?
I think you've answered it yourself, preperation. Research the questions 'telesale job interview questions' or sales job inter..... etc. Read the questions, get a feel for what you may be asked, practice them, research any roll play scenarios you may need, if it is sales it's quite likely that you will have to sell them something so be prepared for that.

That aside, dress smart in a suit, go in feeling positive and if you mess up, stutter, can't answer don't panic, it's not a driving test and making one mistake doesn't mean you've failed. Just keep at it with a positive attitude and I am sure you'll ace it.
Dress smart,well groomed,try research the company you applying for so its easier for you not to get to nervous,plenty of herbal remedies to calm you if you're nervous disposition type of person.Best of luck and just relax during interview,more you talk etc the better it gets
Wow £35,000 minimum, really for telesales?

Here's me literally giving up on getting a job that pays £25,000 or more.

Anyway just spend a few hours researching the job, role play the questions in your head and you should be good.
Personally id reconsider about working for yourself - there's no greater freedom than that. Is there really nothing more you can do to grow your business?

edit: just to clarify what I'm saying, you should be aware that what you will gain in financial security, you will lose in the freedom of how you work.
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well i got the job, start thursday.
my sales pitch of sell me this pen was terrible haha.

they could see potential in me and the company looks good too.
nice one :)

how was it terrible? You obviously did OK in general if you got the job... The cliched 'sell me this pen' thing is normally just to see you ask questions and qualify them AFAIK so long as you attempt something along those lines I don't reckon it can go too wrong.
nice one :)

how was it terrible? You obviously did OK in general if you got the job... The cliched 'sell me this pen' thing is normally just to see you ask questions and qualify them AFAIK so long as you attempt something along those lines I don't reckon it can go too wrong.

I'll bite. My first thought would be to decline, saying that I would need to research the pen first. Not only the qualities but the margin and so on.

And well done, teenwolf.
I'll bite. My first thought would be to decline, saying that I would need to research the pen first. Not only the qualities but the margin and so on.

I think generally they are looking for you to sell it to them, it isn't really a trick question or something you need to overthink AFAIK... just asking a few questions to qualify them first rather than launching into some big pitch about how awesome the pen is seems to be a good approach.
Congrats on the job, £35k is a fantastic salary for a Telesales...where is the catch?

Are you sure they are not selling the job as £35k OTE?
Congrats on the job, £35k is a fantastic salary for a Telesales...where is the catch?

Are you sure they are not selling the job as £35k OTE?

That was my first thought too. I mean from the ads I've seen even central London Estate agents often don't get £35k basic even though I'm sure they can earn way more than that.
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