Job offer - how long?

17 Oct 2002
Deepest Darkest Leics
I was offered a job (which I accepted) verbally last week following my interview the day before. Was just wondering how long would be reasonable to wait for them to send me my offer letter. Salary hadn't been finalized when they called, but they said they would discuss it the following day, and they told me that HR had been informed that I had accepted. It's a fairly big company with a separate HR function and they're often pretty useless at rapid turnaround, but would it be unreasonable to start chasing them for my letter a week after the offer had been made?
Burbleflop said:
I usually get stuff in the post within a couple of days but when HR are being arsey it can take upto a week.

I wouldn't be upset if someone I'd made a job offer to called to check the progress. Asking if they need any further information from you is a subtle way of telling them to get their arses into gear.

Congrats btw.
I might do that then. I was going to call HR but if they're anything like ours, they don't know their bottoms from their elbows. I might just call the guy who offered me the job because he kicked arse with getting my interview arranged quickly.

p.s. Thanks :D I'm well excited. Can't wait to start.
Kell_ee001 said:
Did they give you a possible start date?

If the start date is in the next week or two I would call them up on friday. If you're not likely to start for a while then you can give them a bit longer :)

And good luck with the new job - hope you have fun! :D
No they didn't, but they asked how long my notice period was and how soon I could start.

I'm going to give them a quick call tomorrow just to check everything's OK. My work have found out that I have had the interview, and have reacted by giving me a high profile projec to head up, in an attempt to make me feel more valued. I can't say no, because I don't have my other job in writing yet, but I don't want to string them along because it's not really fair.
Kell_ee001 said:
They could have reacted a lot differently but they obviously appreciate you so I think you're making the right choice. If the interview was last week then I don't think you're being unreasonable by calling them tomorrow. :)
Nah, they weren't annoyed. They asked why I'd applied and I told the truth. I'm not sure where my future lies where I am because of the movement within the department and the way the business is declining, and that this was just a fantastic opportunity. They understood completely, told me that I was in their opinion the next in line for promotion, and asked what they could do to make me feel more valued. I felt awful, because I already knew I'd got the job by then. It's just a pity that they couldn't have done this a month ago before I even applied.
Kell_ee001 said:
I've been told this before but you never know when that promotion might come up - in business you can't stick around hoping something will come up when you have something definate to go for!

What I used to tell myself is if that was true, I would have already known how valued I was by the company. I wouldn't have to apply elsewhere to be recognised :)

Well... made me feel better about leaving them anyway!
Yeah you're right. It shouldn't take this to jolt them into action. They've promised me stuff and let me down before, so I don't trust them. The other job far exceeds anything they could offer me anyway. I didn't expect to get it in all honesty, but went for it anyway. Still in shock about it a week later :)
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