Job Title

1 Dec 2009
I'm having a bit of an issue where I'm getting knocked back for jobs by recruiters due to my current job title vs. the positions I'm applying for.

Currently my contract states IT Manager, the job is split between management of all the business IT needs and Data/Analysis work which is the core business. Probably split 75% Data - 25% IT.

I'm looking to move into 2nd/3rd line support as pushing data about doesn't really interest me a huge amount anymore.

Really I'm looking for suggestions of an alternate job title I can bung on the CV that looks a bit less senior.
Job titles mean little TBH. On a CV you can always make it clear what your role actually is. As long as its broadly related to what you want to do then it really shouldn't be an issue.
job titles can sometimes have an impact regardless of what you do - especially if they reflect some level of seniority - for example say you're in your late 20s and considering working in a bank - you might want to make sure you're a 'Vice President' rather than an 'Associate' as correcting that once you're in the role could take another couple of years
I'd suggest tailoring your CV to the specific role you are applying for. For example if applying for a management role then stress the management side of your CV, but if it's more towards data analysis then bring out those points in the CV instead. The job title can sometimes be changed subtly to reflect this too without lying about the role.

e.g. "Project Manager, Data Analytics" or "Subject Matter Expetrt, Data Analytics"
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