Has anyone had to leave a job because it wouldn't match your personal life. I'm not really talking about cause you do insane hours or that you hated the job.
I really like my job but it's in construction and it's project based. My project ends in two years and then I could be anywhere in the country. I might be lucky get one close to home or I could be at opposite ends. If that's the case I'll be only home on the Friday night and back off to work Monday morning, so I would only see my partner at weekends. This would put a huge strain on our relationship and I know it wouldn't last.
I know it's two years away and anything could happen but it's on my mind. Has anyone been in a similar position where they have chosen the job over the family or the other way round?
I really like my job but it's in construction and it's project based. My project ends in two years and then I could be anywhere in the country. I might be lucky get one close to home or I could be at opposite ends. If that's the case I'll be only home on the Friday night and back off to work Monday morning, so I would only see my partner at weekends. This would put a huge strain on our relationship and I know it wouldn't last.
I know it's two years away and anything could happen but it's on my mind. Has anyone been in a similar position where they have chosen the job over the family or the other way round?