
27 Sep 2005
Cornwall / Helston
I'm out of work ATM and live in a real crappy area with hardly any jobs going, I've considered moving but cant really as my dad is ill and i have two little sisters. I've had a rough upbringing with the death of my mum at an early age which hasn't helped my education much.

What jobs are out there that enables me to work from home or maybe start a home business, i would consider myself fairly skilled with with computers both software and building/finding faults. Or something like email support i just have no idea what to look for

Any advice please guys.

If all else fails, then get yourself to a supermarket/pub/food chain, they are always hiring.

Far too many people want to work 'with computers' or from home, but I'm afraid jobs like that dont just fall at your feet.

Get back into work soon, so you can find the job you want once you have some money. Employers dont like large employment gaps :)
Its annoying but its easier to get a job when your in one. Go down to your local job center, they'll help you find something
See the thing is i have now been out of work for 2yrs it's along gap on my CV but i have good reason as my dad has been in and out of hospital for heart surgery and as my sisters mother left them and my dad (god i hate her) i have been doing my fair share around the house.

In that 2 years i have been for i think 4-5 job interviews but been turned down (i think this is due to my self confidence in an interview)
Im finding it really hard with money atm so i should take what i can from the jobcenter, I know i shouldn't feel like this but i think in the back of my head my pride wont let me take a low paid job but i will bite the bullet.


P.S This might sound strange but i find it easier to talk here to strangers then i would talking to my friends about this
Goodluck in you job search dont know your Age but even if you had to work at a fast food place for a few months would still be a money comming in and that may boost your
then may be look ahead and get the job you want
id rather be earning £5 a hr then what the dss pay
GoodLuck in your job search
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