Another piece of quality video from the BBC where you can't hear the interviewer.
The guy being interviewed, is a moron, "the FA are at fault because they've just hired their first woman". Yeah, there are SOO many women in football that its entirely shocking that women hadn't gotten onto the FA board till now. In fact for the incredibly few women involved in football, management, coaching, training, physio's and club level on boards, having someone on the FA board is pretty unexpected.
Everything he's said is nonsense, he hasn't said ANYTHING, at all. The fa are wrong, because of this entirely different point, the fa are clearly at fault because England haven't won an World cup recently.
Again he consistently talks about dinasours in the halls of the FA(or wembley I think he put it) he hasn't said anything, at all, Arsenal haven't won a league in 7 years, therefore they can't deal with racism or homophobia in football? No that would be equally ridiculous, he's just made a statement then run off on a tangent with another point. We wholly own football(kind of) therefore we should be up in arms more than people are over bonuses?
it's not the fans fault they are homophobic individuals, its the FA's. This guy comes across as utterly retarded, but because he can speak in a calm tone he's speaking sense?
He ALMOST had a point with a manager coming out and saying homophobia won't be tolerated either, however, players have been racially abused far more than have been abused over being gay. Fergie was commenting on something in the press that was on going. If, lets say Rooney came out next week then fans abused him and it was all over the press I'd expect a similar comment from Fergie. Problem is homophobia in football is, well, it's not actually provable/shown/big news till someone comes out and something happens.
There will be abuse if someone came out, most fans would be fine with it. Racism is more in your face because you can't hide the fact you're black.
Should it not also be pointed out that, he only had the courage to come out AFTER he retired and wouldn't be abused by the fans he says aren't to blame. I fully understand anyone not wanting to come out while subject to being abused while working, but ultimately until some more players come out while playing in the NBA/prem league, then not much is going to change.