Think you picked the best 3 from the bunch.
It's hard to judge the 2 as they are snapshot types of photos and with my own pets, you don't always have time to compose a shot but i'll crit them like I would any others.
1) Be aware of your surroundings, the pole in the bottom left is a little distracting. Good focus on the eyes, looks clean and crisp. I'd be tempted to crop the the bottom and left side out, it'd remove the pol and your jeans/feet.
2) Again, not a lot you can do with a dog in the background too, it's not always possible to have a none distracting background. Focus is again on clean and sharp.
3) I will lay into this one a little more because it's a set up static shot. Bucket shouldn't be there, some will complain about the top of the hedge as well. If you'd moved half a step left or right and not shot straight on we wouldn't see your reflection in the plastic. Also looks like it could do with a clean and a polish
DOF is good, and it's sharp, i'd probably crop this slightly too
You also learn everyone is different. Somethings every one with agree on, others will cause a discussion about it.
Good start overall, it takes a lot of practice to see the details in everything and a photo is as much the background as the foreground. A word of warning, if you like looking at photos don't get into photography seriously, all you'll do is pick faults with every photo