Joost Invites

6 Sep 2006
Joost (BBC News) is a new service from skype that basically provides free streaming TV services. Not sure how they make profit though I assume there's the usual amount of advertising though.

Right now it's like gmail though. You need an invite from someone already registered. Each registered person has a limited number of invites after that.

Those who are interested though can put their email address up here or in their trust and ask someone who has spare invites to invite them. Once you're invited though you have to come back here and invite anyone who hasn't already been invited.

I'm not registered myself so we need one person that is registered to get the ball rolling. My email is in my trust if you can invite me then I'll come back and invite anyone who posts their address here.
Thanks Gav for inviting everyone! I'll sign up after work then come here and invite anyone still left out.

Wow got an invite from Lunix too! Feel so popular :p
Gaverick and Lunix get the "Heroes of the Thread" medal for inviting everyone!

Sorry guys for not getting back to people with my invites. I haven't even had the chance to accept mine yet due to several computer issues. New motherboard just refuses to work even on the second time around.

Luckily there have been others that got a bunch of invites and are inviting you all it seems :)
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