Joystick shortage...

11 Sep 2013
Finding a distinct lack of joysticks and HOTASes on the market right now...

I'm looking for something with decent features and reasonable prices, but with a build quality that is unlikely to break as easily as most of the other sticks I've had in the past.

Near as I can figure, my best options are an X52 Pro (hearing MANY conflicting reports about the quality, or lack of, in these things) or one of two £300+ HOTAS rigs (The X65 or Warthog).

I'm wondering if the stick market will pick up as Star Citizen nears release...
What do you think?

Oh, and what stick(s) would folks recommend?
My typing sounds like I'm on an old fashioned typewriter, so would an X52 Pro last against my thuggish hands?
Most but not all the current joysticks are designed with Flight Simulator X in mind, we would have new joysticks if there was a new FS.

Star Citizen simply won't bring out new joystick innovation sadly.
if you are botherd about build quality then you only really want to be considering the warthog or ch fightersick. i have owned both and the build quality is outstanding
if you are botherd about build quality then you only really want to be considering the warthog or ch fightersick. i have owned both and the build quality is outstanding

I'm somewhat bothered about budget as well.
I'm quite the one for spending a fair amount of money on peripherals that do stuff, but I'd possibly draw the line at £250-odd for something I'd only use for ONE game... even if it's *that* good!
Only you can decide whether it's worth the outlay, I'd love to spend that much on a joystick too, but I can't justify the cost. I'd personally stretch to a vanilla X52 (if they're ever in stock when I have the funds available), unless I can find something cheaper that I'd be happy with. The thing is though, from what you've put it looks like if you want a new joystick to last more than five minutes, then you don't have much choice than to get the best, unless you can learn to be less heavy handed.
I heard the X52 Pro was at least of better build quality than the vanilla, but am concerned by the numerous reports of rapid failure, especially the internals. Not what I'd expect from a >£100 peripheral...
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