Jquery assistance - show button if value entered.

19 Mar 2005
I'm trying to create a simple validation for work app I've created but my app can be run by all, so in order to stop people running the app I'd like to put a validation check which basically hides a button until a specific word is entered in a text box. It doesnt need to be ultra secure so it's fine in javascript hidden away.

I've tried to modify an existing solution I found on the internet and here is as far as I've got.
Which I want the button to display if the word Bonfire is typed in the text box. I think I'm missing something really simple, could someone please have a look for me?

Here is the original code I've worked from and modified:
http://jsfiddle.net/jadendreamer/5SArB/ (working code)
https://jadendreamer.wordpress.com/...-a-field-based-on-the-value-of-another-field/ (website)

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