JS, is this too much code?

11 Oct 2008
Hey guys. Happy new year!

I'm slowly getting my head around javascript, with a lot of help from this forum :P

I am using this code to listen out for touches which is working well now.
It seems like I am repeating myself quite a lot. Is there a better technique I could be using for the following?

function onload(){
    var left= document.getElementById('left')
        left.addEventListener('touchstart', function (){ move('left') }, false);
        left.addEventListener('touchend', function (){ move('left') }, false);

    var right= document.getElementById('right')
        right.addEventListener('touchstart', function (){ move('right') }, false);
        right.addEventListener('touchend', function (){ move('right') }, false);

    var up= document.getElementById('up')
        up.addEventListener('touchstart', function (){ move('up') }, false);
        up.addEventListener('touchend', function (){ move('up') }, false);

    var down= document.getElementById('down')
        down.addEventListener('touchstart', function (){ move('down') }, false);
        down.addEventListener('touchend', function (){ move('down') }, false);

Thanks :D
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