JSA experts

12 Sep 2005

I made my claim, filled in my forms and returned them on friday now I have to go back on wednsday to job hunt etc.

Now, My job Centre is in another town.

AFAIK I havent been paid my JSA yet, So it looks like i'm going to have to walk to the other town (I'm really lazy and dont want to walk 6 miles none stop there and back in this may sunshine)

Does anyone know when I'm likely to get my first payment? Or should I open the penny jar and make the bus driver hate me?
Well I applied for all the jobs they told me to last time, but I only posted the forms off yestaday so I think it's a bit silly going tomorrow.

At least all the jobs I applied for are in walking distance.
Wow, that means it only takes 10 weeks of doing nothing and you can buy a nice tower unit.

Shame it takes 3 weeks of working a proper job to afford a nice tower unit or claiming JSA would be a viable carrear path for some.

(Providing you dont buy food/rent/etc)
Yup, People seem to thing JSA is spent on alochol and booze and ciggys.

Mines just going to be spent on alcohol and transport.

EMA people have it easy :(
Mine was closed down because it was a tempory building built on contamnated land and all the workers got brain tumours/cancer.

Unfortunatly it's now an asda carpark and asda is one of the places i applied for :(

Still I hope they open one in my local town, it would be easier for everyone.
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