Judge me, Then Help Me

5 Oct 2005
Mansfield, Notts, UK
Hi this isn't my first overclock, but it is my first one that I've done proper.

The others have been on Athalon XP's & XP-M's.

I'm running a DFI Lanpatyu UT SLi-D, it's pwered by a Hiper Typer R 580W Modular PSU (Very smart and tidy btw)
There's 2 SATA Drives, 1 74GB Raptor for programs and 1 250GB Caviar 16MB Cache. Plus 2 x DVD RW

Now to the Important stuff

1 x Opty 146 CABYE 0543 FPMW - Runs Prime Stable @ 2.95 (1.57V)
2 x 1GB Mushkin XP 4400 - Runs currently @ 268 Mhz 3-4-3-7 (2.7V)
1 x Club 3D 7800 GT 256MB - Runs @ 490Mhz clock Speed & 1.18Ghz Bus Speed.

3DMark 05 - 8,129

I've only really played around with the CPU really and don't want to put more than 1.6V through it.

It's the RAM and GPU I wanna make better.

RAM - Ok the clock speed is determined by the BIOS (180 - 9/10)
But the timings are about stock. What have other ppl got with these modules?

GPU - I've used Cool Bits to bring the settings up and set it to auto overclock which took it from 400 - 490 and 1Ghz - 1.18Ghz. Again whats a sensible overclock for similar cards or this one?

Many Thanks guys

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Lower the frequency of the ram and lower those timings, go for 2.5-3-3-6 at least.

I assume its already in 1T?
OK, have got my RAM @ 2.5-3-3-6 and at a speed of 200ish (Seems my CPU-Z wont tell me)

Ran 3dMark and was an increase of about 10 points. Tried making the timings tighter but PC became unstable.

Dont' really wanna run more than 2.79V through my RAM.

Any other ideas guys?

Cheers for the help
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