[Judging] Camera Phone Competition

18 Oct 2002

Quick rules reminder...
- Everyone who entered can vote
- Each person selects their top 3, the overall top 3 are then chosen from this
- You cannot select yourself

List of people who can vote
AdWright [voted]
Amp34 [voted]
benneh [voted]
Bolerus [voted]
Bri [voted]
Charlie Bravo [voted]
Dr Jones
ElDude [voted]
fuz [voted]
georges [voted]
iGiDK [voted]
matthew_o50 [voted]
Pho [voted]
Richard T
scott.holmes [voted]
Simian [voted]
Sirrel Squirrel [voted]
Sp00n [voted]
Trip Hazard
Zip [voted]

How do you judge?
- Find your top 3
- Order them by preference (best = 1, 2nd best = 2, 3rd best = 3)
- Email your results to here: [email protected]
- Remember to include your forums name in your email!

I think that's everything, let me know if i've missed something :)

Judging will run for one week, you need to submit your results within this time!
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Maybe, i'll give it a bit of time, and if this thread dissapears quickly then i'll post up the results as they stand, otherwise i'll wait till the end :)
Ill make sure it stays pretty close to being up the top :)

Ill put my votes in Tomorrow sometime or the day after. :)
My email has been sent :)
A Little off topic but i cant see a couple pictures including mine, Not even a red X, I just see it as not there unless i Quote the Posts with missing pictures then ill see the web address.
Is anyone else having this problem or is it just my browser? :confused:
Zip said:
My email has been sent :)
A Little off topic but i cant see a couple pictures including mine, Not even a red X, I just see it as not there unless i Quote the Posts with missing pictures then ill see the web address.
Is anyone else having this problem or is it just my browser? :confused:

Seems to get stuck on photobucket. Is that who your pic is hosted by?
Charlie Bravo said:
No mate, what I'm saying is that your entry was there until I hit shift + F5 to refresh the page.

Your entry doesn't exist at the min.

Aww crap :(

Ill have to put it up again

Edit: Beanspouts uploader has gone down at my end and i cant get to the image to host it somewhere else :(
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