
30 Aug 2004
I used to have this game and played it for hours at a time, sometimes just trying to complete one track! However I lost it a while ago and am in need of some arcade action, I was going to buy Outrun 2006 but i'll wait until it drops to around a tenner.

Got Juiced new and sealed for £6 delivered :)

heres an image from a while ago
a lot of people slated this game but I actually enjoyed it. It was quite hard at times and I don't think I quite finished it. I too lost my copy, I think, I might have lent it to someone though. Fancy a blast on it now.
i liked it, but it alwyas seems to have such a steep curve. You get one thing wrong and you virtually hit a brick wall and loose everything. I gave up on it after doing that two or three times lol
james.miller said:
i liked it, but it alwyas seems to have such a steep curve. You get one thing wrong and you virtually hit a brick wall and loose everything. I gave up on it after doing that two or three times lol

thats what makes games for me, you have to make yourself better and skim a millisecond off your time by getting nearer and nearer to an inside wall for example, but without hitting it. I can remember one specific track where i was always a second or 2 off the finish. It was damned hard because the car was a pig to drive. Really fun, but it almost made me throw my monitor out the window :rolleyes:
I've got it, played it for a while but got really annoyed with it if I hit a wall as it was next to impossible to catch up, think now though I'll give it another try seeing as I have some time to put into it for a change :)
The handling really sucks on RWD cars I found. It's ok to play with a FWD, but if you upgrade to something a bit flashier like 450BHP souped up 350Z it's really hard to stay in control.

The general gameplay dynamic, graphics, music etc are all fine, it's just not that much fun to play with RWD.
HangTime said:
The handling really sucks on RWD cars I found. It's ok to play with a FWD, but if you upgrade to something a bit flashier like 450BHP souped up 350Z it's really hard to stay in control.

The general gameplay dynamic, graphics, music etc are all fine, it's just not that much fun to play with RWD.

yeh its harder, makes it mroe fun. dammit, just seen in shops for £5. not too bothered i lost a quit but i could have had it to play this weekend instead of tuesday or thereabouts
it arrived and ive just had a 'quick' go. What a game its like colin mcrae 2 of the arcade. Well worth the £5 or £6 it can be had for new, even if you only listen to the tracks in game.

Got all the lovely stuff a nice arcady game should have, bright lights, loads of colours, planes, baloons, choppers, paragliders and other stuff like moving cranes. great game, axactly the sort of game you could see in an arcade with one of those sit in cars with a wheel and pedals. go buy!


oh and it will work fine on low-mid systems aswell
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