Junior Linux Admin/Devops - When to move on?

I can't really offer any advice on the Linux spcae, but there is one thing in your post:-

I'm a very loyal person and do not like the idea of moving on just yet as it does feel like a betrayal considering they gave me a chance and they have financed my training.

You owe your current company absolutely NOTHING! They wouldn't think twice about getting rid of you if the business demanded it, you shouldn't think twice about leaving if it's the right thing for YOU.
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Move. As soon as realistically possible.

As a minimum you should brush up your CV and put it out there, best case you'll end up doing some interviews and having to decided between jobs, worst case you'll see that you're lacking in XYZ.


Having said, that there may be something in your contract or paperwork about moving within a certain period after completing training courses and having to pay some money for them.
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