Jury Service (Do NOT turn this into a 'how to get out of jury service' thread)



29 May 2011
i have just been summonsed for the fourth time in my life to do jury service.

how is it deemed safe for me to sit in a closed room with 20+ strangers, and in close proximity to at least 11 of them(the other jury members).

we are supposed to be in the height of a pandemic, how is this being allowed? am i missing something?
the cases ive sat on have all been trivial and boring. man pinches pair of shoes, lad hits doorman etc. the last time i was called up, i sat in a room with a load of strangers, every day for 2 weeks and didnt get a single case.
i was dismissed after 3 days this time. quite pleased about that.
the case lasted that long because the judge liked his breaks so much. an hour and forty minutes for dinner, for example.
its fun trying to amuse yourself for that length of time when most shops are closed.
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