Just a little feedback on macbook pro for anyone wondering

7 Aug 2004
As title, I just thought id give some feedback on my unibody macbook pro 15", its the 2.4 model, 9600gt, 4gb ram.

I use OSX for everything bar gaming, and vista 64bit for games, now the reason im writing this is im surprised how well it runs games, iv recently been playing (output to a dell 2407 at 1920x1200):

Supreme Commander

And all ran just fine, not on ultra settings like, but about 75% high settings, and the rest medium and just for a laugh I ran crysis on it at 1650x1440 (whatever that res it), all medium settings, blimey...its really playable.

Now I realise this is OCUK and most are not happy unless they have triple figure frame rates, but me, I just want it to be playable (35+ fps) for the occasional blast or strategy game when it takes my fancy, more recently as its been 8 months since iv had a computer that will run games.

But just incase everyones wondering, yes you can play all the latest games happily on this laptop without bother, when I say play games, I mean actually playing them and having fun as opposed to one eye on the game one on the fps counter ;)

Whats you guys experience with macs and gaming ?
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