just a quick question

29 Aug 2009
as the header says just a quickie concerning the windows operating systems on the pre built gaming rigs..as i'm browsing through the configurations on some of the systems i notice there's no optical drive included (optional)... so here's the thing, how does the windows you pay for get put on the rig...is it through a pre embedded partition on the hard drive..like on some of the modern laptops these days..or a usb type install..its bugging me how the windows gets put on without a cd/dvd drive ?
oh ok..that's confused even more...my last purchase from oc...few years ago.was a titan tempest i5 750 i think..still got it..just use it as a media type compy these days..anyway that system came with the c/d dvd player already included in the price..so now as im looking to upgrade to a more up to date gaming pc ..i notice there's no cd/dvd drive included on some models..so you can see where i'm confused..
ok but doesn't the motherboard come with a driver and utility disc..how can you install the drivers without a disc drive?..just asking....maybe iv'e got it wrong,times are changing..and i haven't been keeping up...but it seems a bit mean not to include a disc drive in the initial price
ok ..i see you're reasoning..but there'es a good reason people buy pre-built gaming rigs..its because most are not that confident tech-wise to biuld it them selves..i'll hold my hand up..im not too savy myself..so when i'm considering a new pre-built gaming system..i want the windows disc with it and the motherboard discs and a drive to install them on..if something goes wrong with my pc at a later date..hmm getting late now..got to sign off ..thanks for you're help
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