Just been listening to breaking Benjamine

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Just been listening to breaking Benjamin

I've never heard of them before, but this album (We are not alone) is awesome. I think it's somewhere between paradise lost and incubus.

Are they a big band? how come I've never heard of them before.
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I like them yeah, they're good. Not heard this saturate album though, will have to take a look.

Phobia is their newest album and it's pretty good too.
They're my favourite band (Wearing there T-Shirt right now).

My Favourite songs are 'Phase' and 'So Cold'.

Brilliant Band, but very underrated :(.

I want them to tour in the UK!
deff going to have to listen to some of there other albumns, just listening to some breed77 now there also good, they seem to do the either the song rocks or sucks.
I like them, Saturate is my favourite album, definitely check it out if you haven't already... though Follow and Away from We Are Not Alone are my two favourite tracks :p
BloomerzUK said:
They're my favourite band (Wearing there T-Shirt right now).

My Favourite songs are 'Phase' and 'So Cold'.

Brilliant Band, but very underrated :(.

I want them to tour in the UK!

I really like them too. I came across them about two years ago, with their album 'We are not Alone', which is great. I'm not a huge fan of their first album 'Saturate', but absolutely love 'Phobia'.

They're not big here, I think they've toured in Europe but not in the UK properly. If, and when, they do I'll be there :).
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