Just bought a New Car - insurance troubles!

7 Apr 2004
Hi guys and gals - just bought a new car - a ford focus zetec climate 1.6l TiVCT. The only reason is I got it for a really good price! I've been looking around for insurance and the cheapest I can get is £2000 - is this normal?

I'm 21 DOB: 31/12/84
0 no claims
Driving for less than a year - 7 months

Any ideas, recommendations guys?
Haven't tried barclays - will try that!

I did tbh - i knew it would be around £2000, just wanted to know if thats normal. I would have though being over 21 would have counted for something!
Firestar_3x said:
I know its no help and too late now, but ALWAYS get insurance quotes before buying anything, the above is a prefect example of this.

Best advice is phone around as many insurance companys as you can, no-one can tell you who will be best cause the best insurance company for an age group doesn't exist.

So you better get hitting the phones and hope someone comes up with a good quote....

I knew it would be £2000 ish - did it before I bought the car. Just wanted to know if that was about right (roughly :confused: )
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