Just bought a Quest, unbelievable stand alone, bit crap with link.....might buy a Index as well

30 Jan 2007
Been on the VR fence for a while, nearly ordered an Index a while back but there wasn't stock. Been watching the availability and saw the Quest was in stock at Argos so picked up a 128 version as I work away sometimes I thought I could fill it full of films.
Well that was yesterday and now Ive got the thing going in stand alone mode only....its some sort of witchcraft there is no way some phone chip is running that thing its nothing short of amazing, its jaw dropping...the creed boxing demo...lol my wife took it off screaming and wont play it again...beat saber different matter...loves it, and my boys 6 & 8 have abandoned Fortnite.

This is all before Ive tried the link...I have just had Mr Amazon drop off an Anker cable and the SW is DLing as I type.

I suspect its going to be great...

Well no, not really, for driving games pretty terrible really, and text is illegible, its just not very good linked to the PC, big disappointment, I expected a massive leap in visuals but if anything its worse than stand alone mode

but the untethered experience...worth the money on its own.

So it will do some of what I hoped ie something to do in a shipyard hotel for 3 months, but fails at beating my monitor for sims.

This leaves me thinking I should maybe get an Index for me and leave the quest for the kids and work trips

But I'm also left thinking I could live with out it, Index that is...or is Index really that much better?

Be good to hear from anybody who has both?
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Thanks, HP Reverb G2 looks pretty good...not 100% convinced though, due to the refresh rate vs the Index. If I'm going to splash out for another head set sooner rather than later it has to be great, not leave me wondering if I should have gone for the index after all...maybe some reviews will help when the G2 is released, but I think Im leaning more towards the index
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