Just bought a Walking Pad

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
I've never heard of these until last Wednesday.
Anyway, this may help some who are thinking along the same path but don't want a massive unit taking up space.
Bonus the wife loves it and has also been on it, she can also lift it up and down.

I used to run real marathons/half marathons and I used to have an expensive NordicTrack treadmill to train on sometimes but around 2012 I could no longer run and even ended up in a wheelchair from 2020 to 2022.
I'm coming up to 67, been out of shape for a while and with my uncontrollable diabetes I need to do something.
Wednesday I saw an advert for Walking Pads which turned out to be baby treadmills (well compared to my NordicTrack).
Did a bit of research because I can't run but I can walk fast (knee replacement, told never to run), I also don't need inclines or any flashy displays.
I needed something that I could keep in the house and came across this - https://www.mobvoi.com/us/pages/mobvoihometreadmillse

I've got it linked to my Watch6 and also got Zwift on my phone which recognises it however the breakthrough was finding Virtual Running Videos on You Tube, using my fold over laptop and attaching it to the front of the Walking Pad/Treadmill.

So this is a picture of the wife on the unit with my laptop pretending to run/walk in New Zealand :)


Here's how much room it takes up

I didn’t know these existed till today. I am going to get a sit/stand desk and something like this will go well with one.
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