Just Bought Myself a DSLR!!!

28 Mar 2005
Drunken badger punching
I've been hawking around eBay for a while today, looking for a bargain. A few days ago, a 10D went for £299 with kit lens/box/battery/charger etc in mint condition. Needless to say I was a bit annoyed that I missed it for myself!

So there I was, not 10 minutes ago, performing my ritual-like scanning of the buy-it-nows and a Nikon D100 appears for £250! I don't think it comes with a battery or charger (not a prob, I'll pick one up cheap anyhow), but it's been used as a second camera and is apparently in good shape.

I know you can't hear for the noise etc blahblahblah, but how bad are they on this front? D70 or worse?

If I don't like it, I can always sell the body at some point for a certain (well almost) profit to finance a nice new DSLR.

All I need now is some cheap glass...what would you recommend?
Thanks for the input.

I was going to wait about a year to buy something outright new, but I saw a few cheap cameras go on ebay, and thought I'd have a look. It was either a 10D (not many come up cheap) or something else (the D100).

Hopefully it works!

I'm a n00b!

What (second hand) lenses should I be looking at for not much £?
Well, to start off with I'd probably use it for general photography :p , so I guess a zooming lens would be better than a prime. Although I used to own a Pentax film SLR with a 50mm lens which I used with it all the time and was quite happy.

So I'm easy really.

A zoom within say 17-100 (anything near either 17 or 100 is a bonus), perhaps the 18-55?

Or a prime of either 50mm equivalent (~35mm) or 50mm actual.

Cost, well as little as possible really! I have a spare Arri Magic Arm/Manfrotto Superclamp/camera mount that I'll probably sell to get me going, so say about the £50 mark. :D


I'm actually leaning toward a prime. I remember the good old days with my Pentax Program A and forcing myself to do everything with the 50mm and to get creative! Also bear in mind that AF is not essential, but would be nice!
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What about a Sigma 18-50mm f/3.5-5.6 DC?

Ok, what lenses will and what lenses won't work on the D100?

Will all F-mount glass be compatible?
Hmmm, this is the problem. I don't want to be stuck with a lens that is not too much use on its own really, so I think I'll steer away from the 50mm prime. It's just not wide enough!

I'll search ebay for something ~35mm.
Well, I bit the bullet and bought a s/h (almost new, originally purchased on the 13th of this month) Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G. I will get to play with it when I return from my hols in Cornwall next weekend (shame i didn't have the lens before I went away really), and hopefully have some pictures up for your critique soon!

I decided against buying a wide angle tele/prime because I knew I'd miss something that I'd want for so bought 18-70 instead.
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