Just finished my first website for someone...

9 May 2005

It was only for my Dad (thus not paid) as he helps run the Gala but I'm quite pleased with it :)

I was going to add some CMS features to it but it needed to be done before the annual Gala, which was last week so I have just been updating it manually for them at the moment. It has been running some time but I've only just finished adding some pictures from an event from the week before

Anway it's only the second website I've done but comments and (constructive ;) ) criticism welcome
It's certainly vibrant! :D

If it fits in with the company and your Dad like it, then it's a job well done.

It's also coded in XHTML Strict with a nice clean markup, so that's a nice bonus. :)
Only things i would suggest would be to center the text in the tabs and possibly change the font for the whole site to something a bit more special, yet still keep it simple.

Otherwise, a really nice simple site.
i'm getting an error on the About the Gala page, somthing about the google maps api being regstered to another site and you need a new key.
Gman said:
i'm getting an error on the About the Gala page, somthing about the google maps api being regstered to another site and you need a new key.
Oops, I was doing some updating and for the google maps i have a localhost key and a oughtibridgegala key but I forgot to change the key before I updated.
Anyway I've fixed it now so thanks
Only things i would suggest would be to center the text in the tabs and possibly change the font for the whole site to something a bit more special, yet still keep it simple.
I've centered the text in the tabs and it does look better, not sure about the font but I'll see if I can find something a bit better.

Thanks everyone :cool:
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