Just got a life changing letter in the post...

2 Aug 2004
The moon
Dear Mr ________,
I am delighted to inform you that, subject to attainment of a suitable security clearance and confirmation of your fitness, you have been provisionally selected for commissioned entry to the Royal Air Force leading to a permanent commission in the Operations Support Branch (Fighter Control Specialisation).


Now where's the champagne :D
Can I get a name change please? 'OCdt Stringy' (Officer Cadet). Ta :D
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I can't stop having giggle fits :) I've been working towards this since late August last year, and after numerous interviews, fitness tests, medicals, team exercises, aptitude test, and countless other things, I've finally gotten it. Such a exciting/scary moment all at the same time!
Nismo said:
So when do you get to go to Top Gun? :p

Congrats :)

Heh, if I did I'd be a guy staring at a computer screen telling them what to do, my eyesight isn't good enough to fly supposedly.
Visage said:
Computer systems developed by my good self (along with a few others....)

Be afraid, be VERY afraid....

Congratulations. Presumably you'll be going to the SChool of Fighter Control at RAF Boulmer?
Hugogo said:
Well done!!

I hope to get a letter like that this summer but from the army!

When do you start your commisioning course?
I'll be going to RAF College Cranwell on 30th July for Initial Officer Training of 30 weeks (3 x 10 week terms, 1 week leave in between). Following that I'll be going to RAF Boulmer for the Fighter Control course. Less than 3 months til I start, seems so close yet so distant!
stoofa said:
Even if you don't fly you can still get those impressive ranks.
My uncle took promotion to Wing Commander a year or so ago.
However he's only (well I say only, I'd say he's still rather important) a Doctor with the RAF.
Doctors fly up the ranks the lucky buggers, and they don't have to do the full amount of training. They start on a higher rank, and receive higher starting pay! I guess they deserve it though :p
Hodders said:
My Grandad retired from the RAF in about 1960 after serving since 1916 in the RFC.

He worked his way all the way up to when he retired as an Air Vice Marshall. The stories he could tell were stunning - certainly made it sound like one big adventure from WW1 through to Kirkuk in Iraq through to WW2 and the introduction of jet aircraft. Amazing changes he lived through....

Well done Stringy - I realy hope you enjoy it as much as my grandad did !

Just found some web pages about my grandad !

Here, here and here
If I get to half the rank he did I'll be a very happy man :)
Most people do tend to stop trying for the RAF when confronted with eyesight problems stopping them from flying. When I found out I couldn't fly it didn't bother me too much, as I was after joining the forces above all else, so I persevered.
There are two specialisations, Surveillance and Weapons. Survellaince is all about looking for 'bogies' as you call them, missile launches and the like, Weapons is the actual controlling of the RAF's fighter assets. There are also other spin offs, such as being posted on the Sentry AWACS, or being part of the Mobile Air Control Centre.

How would I get hold of an Admin to ask about my name being changed? Is there a 'general' admin email addy?
Promotion to Flight Lieutenant is on a time served, satisfactory service basis (Pilot Officer -> Flying Officer -> Flight Lieutenant), This is equivalent to Captain in the Army, and Lieutenant in the Navy. Fighter Control, Air Traffic, Intelligence Officer and Supply Officer (I think it's those 4) all fall under the 'Operations Support Branch', and promotion above Flt. Lt. is on a competitive basis against those branches.
If your eyesight isn't 100% then you're stuffed as far as aircrew goes (and Intelligence Officer). I never knew I had anything wrong with my eyes, something to do with one eye being better at focusing than the other or something.
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