Just got a Medusa 5.1 USB thingy..

2 Jul 2005
And when I plug it in and "test harware" for the voice element it gets half way through booting and then says that there is insufficient USB bandwidth to power everything.

At the moment I have my mouse, Keyboard & now this headset. Is this normal? If so what can I do to resolve the situation?

Thanks in advance gents,

Hay bud,

Yup, its all plugged into a USB2.0 port but I am checking to make sure all of the mobo drivers are upto date etc.

Will let you know the outcome.

Thanks for your help.

Right.. symptoms;
1) The Speed-link drivers only pop up when the headset is plugged into one USB port on my PC (on the front panel).
2) If I plug it into any others it only regonises it as a USB human interface.
3) When I try and "test hardware" in the voice section it gets half way through the progress bar and then says "there is insuccicent bandwidth to power this device".

Now - I believe the device is plugged into a USB 2.0 port. I'm using an Asus Striker Extreme and have been using the front panel on my a lian-li case. Is there a way to check if its using a correct port?

Thanks guys,

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