Just got my MDA Compact II



2 Jun 2003
In the top 1%
Well, T-Mobile couldnt give me even a speculative delivery date on when they were going to be getting the Vario back in stock so I re-evaluated my position and opted for the Compact II.

As requested (by sara) here are my initial thoughts:

When I first turned it on, it was in the usual Windows Mobile skin and as such was a nice colour scheme - then about 10 seconds later the T-Mobile installer appeared and turned everything a shade of pink. I have yet to find the option to change that (and I dont think I will, without a hack) so I am getting used to it like that at the moment.

Having come from a 6670 the size is more or less the same - it is slightly thinner but a fair bit wider but the size of the screen makes up for that.

Sound quality in a call isnt up to the Nokia it is replacing (in fact its just about the worst SQ I have heard from a mobile phone to date but I shant let that bug me!)

It isnt fast but it isnt slow either - Until I eventually bother to put TomTom on it I dont think the speed is going to bother me at all.

Here are some comparison pics for you to take a look at:



6670 on the left, MDA in the middle, V3 on the right

Im quite happy with it and as far as I can tell, it is going to replace my rx3715 - I just need a wifi card for it now :/
If Windows Mobile 2005 is anything like Smartmobile, look under settings and Home Screen to change the T-Mobile theming... certainly my SDA let me turn it back to Windows default without any hacking, and I found a small app to make my own themes :)

Still going to hold out for the Vario myself, will be ringing on Monday to sort myself out... Thanks for the mini review :D
sara said:

Oh god, back to my original conundrum - this or the vario? Sigh...

EDIT: Beautiful pics btw :D


You cant get the Vario at the moment. The woman at T-Mobile I spoke to didnt seem at all confident enough to even hazard a guess at when they would be in stock.

Unless Wi-Fi is really important to you, I would (and did) go for this as an alternative. If you really dont get on with the on-screen keyboards, bluetooth ones are obtainable for not much :p

EDIT: Holy over-use of the tongue-out smiley, batman!

WiFi SDIO cards are a bit more, but whether I get one or not depends on how my bank balance is feeling in a couple of months :p

I used the WiFi on my rx3715 all of 3 times (ish :p) so I dont see that as a major priority :p
yea i love that shot martin, made me think twice whether or not i actually prefer the m500's appearance :o Normally ive written the compact off as tacky looking, but you've made it appear otherwise

my (IMO) beauty :p


No tripod here tho so can't get the screen exposed well :(


I need to get a decent skin for it though lol, wm5's stock skin is far prettier

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BruceLee said:
Do these have WiFi built in?

Has anyone got Skype working on them if they do?

mine doesnt have it built in but with a wifi add on card skype works fine. You may have to overclock the cpu on the compact II to get it working smoothly though.

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