Just got my Nikon D50!

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
Thanks to all of you on here who gave me advice a few months ago. I decided to go for the Nikon.

It is indeed a fantastic camera, and I've just about got to grips with it.

However, what do I need to do to get light streaks at night? I'm not an expert at photography but isn't it something to do with the shutter speed? Can you not press and hold the button just like on an old film-based camera?

Many Thanks,

I think you mean bulb mode, on shutter mode (S) go all the way right I think, past 30" and it will say 'B'.

Glad to hear your loving the camera I really like mine, post some pics if you like!
I'm going on holiday for a week tomorrow.

Normal mode gives 250 shots on the 512mb Card.

Fine gives only 140. Is Fine worth it, or is there little difference?
Depends on what you want to do with them, if you want to just print out holiday snaps then normal will be fine, if you're thinking of printing up posters or any large formats the go as fine as you can, and if possible shoot in RAW.
Took a few pics in Wales. One of the guys there had exactly the same camera and lent me a Telephoto lense to try out.

The pictures don't look digital. They appear slightly more misty - is this supposed to happen? I'm not saying they're bad, the quality is incredible as is the depth of field.

Very impressed with it though. Looks like I'll be splashing out on a telephoto lense now :D
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