just had my first accident :(

7 May 2004
So I was going 30 down a main road on my scooter. Some tripe decided to run into the middle of the road I did an emergency break but let go of my back break too quick and the moped came from under me and crack.
Banged my hand and knee up pretty bad and have a concussion but nothing broke.
I'm really shaken up by it though.

If any of you guys have had an accident how long was it before you got back on the horse so to speak?
Thanks for the replies guys.
I'm ok just really sore at the moment.
The mopeds a police depot at the moment so will pick it up when the swelling on my hand goes down
Was going to fetch my moped back this morning.
Went to the docs for a quick check up started to feel really light headed so off to the hospital for a CAT scan but passed out in the waiting room :\

I'm back home now been told its probably due to the concussion so plenty of rest for the rest of the week.
Work isn't too happy but not much I can do. My hand is a nice few shades of purple as well lol
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