just had my first cigarette... (thread started by thepedster)

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18 Oct 2002
just had my first cigarette...

...and all I can say is YUCK how do you guys do it???

its like erm, sickening, and now my mouth tastes, well 'dead'

pretty crummy thing to do if you ask me :o
well I work in a pub, a lot of my 'pub mates' smoke, I have enver even had one drag before, I dont like smoking not one little bit but I thought you got to try everything once,

and man its just dire,

I donr know if I took it into my lungs, just coughed a lot,

I now want to go eat a big cheese burger to rid my mought of this rank taste but alas I cant

slow down you crazy cats, I am not some 50 a day fag hag, never will be I detest smoking as much as other people, I stand behind the var at work for like 6 hours evey other night watching people smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes and I have alwyas wondered how they do it, cos to me breathing in smoke is like the dumbest thing in the world possibly EVER, the times when I was in scouts and cubs doing campfires, I remember chucking up due to smoke inhilation and that, I wondered if a cigarette was the same???

smoking one is hardly gonna cut my life span in half, but I reckoned it was summit I had to do just the once, to 'see' what it was like, I wasnt doing it to look hard, or impress. I smoked it standing in the middle of the local allotments at 2 in the morning in the rain, out of sight from anyone

but now Ican say I have done that, I am never doing it again, as its just totally freaking pointless, and even just thinking about it is making my throat hurt!!!
I guess I am lucky cos no one in my family smokes, my school type friends dont smoke, and of al lthe realtives I know only 3 smoke, so apart from work, smoking to me is nothing, it has no toher meaning other than stupidity

Originally posted by iam

Pedster, I really do hope that is your last. Good luck.

it dam well will be, that is pretty scary post of yours there mate
Originally posted by Digi
Only thing i've ever smoked is cannabis

thats next on the list mate

and to me cannabis is A-OK to smoke, as long as its in the right place and time
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